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Barefoot Lawyers Nepal is provide free legal aid to helpless people of grassroot level. It attempt to build a Legal Aid Fund in Nepal.

Donate Via Esewa
Esewa ID 98136878525
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Donate Via Bank Transfer
Account Name: Barefoot Lawyers Nepal
A/C No: 1910124352800001
Bank Name: Kumari Bank
Branch Name: Narephat, Kathmandu
Bank Swift: KMBLNPKA

The Key Achievement

Free Legal Aid
0 +
Public Interest Litigation (PIL)
0 +
Free Legal Counselling of victims
1 +

Testimonial of some beneficiaries.

Now, I have obtained PAN Card, Lekhapadhi License, Teaching License, opened Bank Account without Citizenship. It is totally impossible without your help, support and guidance. Thanking you from bottom of the heart.
Now, I attended written exam conducted by Public Service Commission Nepal without Citizenship. It is totally impossible without your help, support and guidance. Thanking you from bottom of the heart.